MAA Instructional Practices Guide - Part 1 of 7
Below is the Quarto markdown outline for the slides presented during the seminar. The original QMD file is here.
MAA instructional Practices Guide #
Part 1 of 7 - Fostering Student Engagement
You can find the MAA Instructional Guide here hosted on the MAA’s site.
Active Learning #
Classroom practices aimed at fostering student engagement attend to the research-based idea that students learn best when they are engaged in their learning (e.g., Freeman, et al., 2014) 1
But don’t worry too much!
“Active” Learning #
Freeman et al. (2014) coded active learning as “intensities ranging from 10% to 100% of class time.” Think about that. This study, a phenomenally important, heavily cited meta-analysis, classified a session as active learning if there were 5 minutes of an in-class worksheet or a clicker question in a 50-minute class session. That means this is not lecture versus active learning; it is all-lecture learning versus lecture plus active learning 2
Practices Fostering Student Engagement #
Before we dig in individually, let’s look at the list:
- Building a classroom community
- Wait time
- responding to student contributions in the classroom
- one-minute paper or exit tickets
- collaborative learning strategies
Discussion: #
In small groups, discuss (~ 3-5 minutes) then we’ll share out:
- What are you already using?
- How is it going? where could it improve?
- Building a classroom community
- Wait time
- responding to student contributions in the classroom
- one-minute paper or exit tickets
- collaborative learning strategies
As we discuss it all together: #
Please think about:
What is one thing you can implement in your classroom today/tomorrow to increase engagement for all students?
What will have to change in your preparation for class to ensure the change above can happen?
How will you determine if the implementation is effective?
(would you like to take 2-3 minutes to write down ideas?)
Practices Fostering Student Engagement #
Now let’s dig into each together as a community:
- Building a classroom community
- Wait time
- responding to student contributions in the classroom
- one-minute paper or exit tickets
- collaborative learning strategies
Citations #
Abell, M. L., Braddy, L., Ensley, D., Ludwig, L., & Soto, H. (Eds.). (2018). MAA Instructional Practices Guide (1st edition). Mathematical Association of America. ↩︎
Zakrajsek, T. D., & Nilson, L. B. (2023). Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors (5th edition). Jossey-Bass. ↩︎